Rights & Equality

Our country was founded on the ideal of fundamental equality, and as Senator I work to codify protections that promote equality into law so everyone has the freedom to live their lives. This includes:

  • Supporting studies and legislative action that examine and address racial, disability, and other biases in our institutions – such as law enforcement, education, and child welfare – to help us move toward that founding ideal of equality

  • Passing legislation that addresses the wage gap for women, and particularly women of color, for comparable work

  • Promoting and defending policies that protect and uplift our LGBTQ friends and neighbors, because no one should be made to feel inferior based on who they are and whom they love

  • Our senior population must be able to access essential services including transportation, healthcare, and housing, and our veterans should have adequate programs and services that assist with housing, healthcare, and job training

We can’t be afraid to confront our blind spots in our quest to make Rhode Island a place that works for everyone.

My work on rights and equality:

  • Successfully funded a study for RIPTA to design a statewide system to meet the work, health care, and community access needs of people with disabilities and seniors